We have, as always, been very busy providing a complete range of garage services for local classic and vintage cars in our fully equipped workshop, as well as rally preparation for cars to compete in a variety of historic rallies all over the world. We provide mechanical support every year for The Flying Scotsman Rally, the Monte Carlo Historique and many other local, national and international events. Keep checking our Facebook page for the latest news!

We specialise in preparing classic cars to the highest standards, whether it is for the road or in preparation for the tough conditions found on long distance rallies. We have many years experience in preparing cars for rallying, and our clients have a great track record, getting some fantastic results!

We have nearly 25 years ‘hands on’ experience of the tough conditions found in these classic long distance events, gained by being part of the support crew for events such as Peking to Paris, The Road to Mandalay, The Alpine Trial and the Rally of the Tests to name a few.